A final farewell to FA-Q
Artist Kevin Wendall, known as FA-Q (pronounced, “fack you”), left, died Nov. 15 at age 55. From Cleveland, he was active in the 1980’s East Village squatter scene on E. 11th St. Two years ago, FA-Q went in for surgery for a pituitary tumor, and was supposed to come home in three days and be on one-month’s bed rest. Instead, there were many post-surgical complications, and he spent the last year hospitalized. Not everyone knew FA-Q had kids. His two children, Jessica Wendall Bohach, above right, and Brooks Wendall, left, were recently at Gallery onetwentyeight on Rivington St. on the Lower East Side, where a memorial art show was held for FA-Q, featuring his artwork on the walls. A third child, Angel Louise, died of crib death.
Photos by Clayton Patterson
Source: The Villager, Volume 80, Number 33, January 13 – 19, 2011